You might be thinking I'm crazy for talking about resolutions this time of year. And maybe you're right. But, my thought is, nothing can be a permanent change if you stop working at it. So, after much ado, here are my new year's resolutions:
Plan Ahead
Be Wildly Obsessed
Double, I mean everything, followers, revenue, everything.
As a new small business, I'm starting from the ground up (no pun intended). I'm a newbie, in a new industry. Virtual business wasn't really a thing until the pandemic hit, and now we can't imagine life any other way. So for me, this year my goal is to double my business. So far, I'm nearly there is the year is not even half way through. I didn't want to over shoot my aim and end up disappointed, but I'm thrilled to be nearly at my goal in such a short time. Through this year, I've also made connections with other designers, and hope to continue to do so.
Plan ahead, this applies to social media content creation.
Since I'm still employed full time, Cast Iron Landscape is an evenings and weekends endeavor for me. So planning ahead is critical. And with frequent social media content creation and posts being king, this is a must. To be completely honest, I'm still greatly struggling on this one. I have better weeks that others, and when I do succeed in planning ahead it feels great! I have at least created design and look to my feed that reflects my personality. And a flow to it that I like, and can maintain fairly easily. I have the rest of the year to conquer this goal and am confident that I'll succeed.
Be Wildly Obsessed.
This is probably my most important resolution. I knew if I was going to put my heart and soul into something that's above and beyond myself, I must be obsessed with my pursuit. It took me a long time in deciding if I should start a business. There are so many statistics that basically say it's a terrible idea. So, I knew that if I decided this, it must be a passion, something that I wouldn't easily be discouraged away from. Any great figure you read about, or even current day celebrities, have an outright obsession for what they do. Obsession drives people to keep going despite the odds and statistics.
This has been a great year so far, and am excited for what the rest of it holds.